Maker of the Optical Design Software OpTaliX

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OpTaliX Version History

Obsolete Versions 4.xx

Versions 6.xx
Versions 5.xx
Version 4.98
(9.March. 2003)
  • Corning Quantum-Focus lens catalogue added.
  • Corrected raytrace intersection error for non-sequential aspherical surfaces.
Version 4.97
(5.March. 2003)
  • Test plate lists from Neeb-Optik, DD-Optik and Befort added.
  • The power series terms on aspheric surfaces has been increased to 10^18 order. Previously it was limited to 10^10 order.
  • MTF values are now defined in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. Previously, MTF ranged between 0.0 and 100.0 (in %).
  • The command line is immediately activated by keyboard activity, unless a dialog box is active. Recognized characters are letters a-z, A-Z, numbers 0-9 and the blank (space) character. Thus way it is no longer required to use the mouse to select the command line prior to entering data.
  • Dn/dT data and expansion coefficients of catalogue glasses can now be overridden by manually entered data.
  • EXM command has been added to define linear expansion of front surface mirrors.
Version 4.96
(24.Feb. 2003)
  • The font size in the text output and command output windows is now adjustable via the preferences section.
  • The background of graphics windows is now selectable via the preferences section.
  • Right mouse click anywhere inside a graphics window now opens a floating options menu. This is easier than finding and clicking on the option button to the left of each graphics window.
  • Graphics windows may now be updated by simply double-clicking anywhere in the frame of a graphics window. Thus, it is no longer required to search and find the specific update button, although the update button is still available.
  • A variable linear spacing (VLS) grating option was added to supplement grating and hologram surfaces and to simplify entry of VLS parameters.
  • Hikari glass catalogue updated.
  • Transverse aberration and OPD fans can now displayed horizontally or vertically. This is user selectable in the preferences section.
Version 4.93
(4.Feb. 2003)
  • Infrared glasses IG2 to IG6 from Vitron added to special catalogue.
  • The PMI attribute (mirrored side walls on light pipes) now also works for cirular cross sections.
  • Grid distortion plot now also works correctly with zoom systems.
  • A bug with tilted GRIN surfaces was inadvertently reintroduced. This is now corrected.
Version 4.90
(19.Jan. 2003)
  • Polygon aperture elements can now be defined in addition to the existing basic aperture shapes (circular, elliptical, rectangular). The polygons need NOT be convex and any shape is allowed. Up to 10 polygons may be defined on a surface and may be logically combined with other basic aperture shapes. Each polygon may have up to 50 vertices.
  • Ghost image analysis has been added. Since it is based on the built-in inverse ray trace, it is not required to rebuild the optical system. This allows immediate ghost analysis and a very fast way to identifying the most disturbing surface combinations.
  • Lens catalogs have been updated.
  • Some tolerances in the ISO drawing dialog were not correctly initialized. As a result, manually entered tolerances could not altered. Now corrected.
  • Coordinates in the title bar of the lens layout window were incorrectly displayed when the window did not have input focus.
  • The path to macro files as defined in the preferences is now correctly used on calling macro files. Previously specification of the full directory structure was required.
  • In optimization and macros, incorrect values for surface decenter (XDE,YDE,ZDE) and tilts (ADE,BDE,CDE) were returned. This is fixed now.
Version 4.86
(24.Nov. 2002)
  • Extended object imaging, based on Fourier methods. Takes into account aberrations and diffraction effects.
  • User defined dispersion can now be assigned to Gradient index media of type LPT (LightPath) and to the very general URN (University of Rochester) profile.
  • Rectangular light pipes can now be "sheared", which allows a wider range of unusual pipes. Rays are checked for TIR (total internal relection). Also hollow pipes are now supported.
  • The "actions" tab in the preferences dialog was not correctly initialized. This is now corrected.
Version 4.80
(05.Oct. 2002)
  • Two-dimensional surface deformations can now be applied to all surfaces. Such deformations are typically obtained from interferometric measurements and let you analyze the as-built performance of your optical systems.
  • Two-dimensional surface deformations can now be applied to all surfaces. Such deformations are typically obtained from interferometric measurements and let you analyze the as-built performance of your optical systems. Supports Code V INT-files and Orbscan topography format.
  • Catalogue lenses from CVI-Laser added.
  • Path information for storing macros and user defined graphics can now be defined in the preferences section.
  • Surface sag calculation added.
  • Logarithmic scaling of thin film transmission/reflection plots was not always correctly recognized. This is now corrected.
  • Gray scale PSF over field diagonal did produce a blank output image at rare circumstances. Now corrected.
  • Fixed incorrect order of tilts/decenter after surface insertion/deletion.
  • Fixed update problem in surface editor when changing global references. Previously, decenter and tilts were not correctly updated even though the system was in right condition.
Version 4.72
(12.Aug. 2002)
  • Element drawing according to the ISO 10110 standard has been added.
  • Coatings designs can now imported from "The Essential Macleod" thin film design package.
  • The number of field points is now unlimited. Previously only 10 fields were allowed. (The LT-version remains limited to 10 field points)
  • Edge drawing on tilted lenses has been improved.
  • Comment fields are now correctly inverted on surface inversion.
  • EPS output has been enhanced to correctly render line width and text rotation.
Version 4.70
(16. July 2002)
  • The macro capability has been significantly enhanced. Lens database items, arithmetic expressions and parameters are now allowed. Macro expressions may also be defined in the command line, in user defined graphics and in the definition of the optimization merit function.
  • PSF gray scale plots can now also copied to the clipboard.
  • Plot of phase change in multilayer coatings has been added.
  • Plot of group delay dispersion added.
  • Optimization targets/constraints can now conveniently selected from a list box. This simplifies construction of the merit function.
  • In lens layout plots, stepping through zoom positions is now possible from toolbar icons, which are associated to the lens layout windows. This gives an animated impression on the movements of the zoomed components.
Version 4.67
(2.June 2002)
  • All graphics windows now allow multiple zoom operations by dragging a rectangle successively over the desired plot area. In this way, even very small details can be enlarged.
  • The X- and Y-coordinates of the cursor are displayed in the title bar of the lens layout plots and are permanently updated.
  • Light pipes with rectangular apertures are added.
  • The syntax range of the thin-film formula editor has been extended. It allows now arbitrary factors for multilayer groups such as HL, HLH, LHL, etc. For example 1.83(HL)^6 is correctly interpreted. Some minor tweaks also increased the robustness of the coating editor.
  • Gradient index materials from Grintech, Jena have been added.
  • Longitudinal aberration plot for on-axis and off-axis field points has been added.
  • The scaling tool has been extended to scale a lens by specifying the required focal length (EFL), overall length (OAL), system length (SYL), object-image distance (OOS) or entrance pupil diameter (EPD).
  • Edge drawing on lenses now offers four options: no edges, connect edges linearly, angled facets and rectangular facets (use EDG command).
  • The PDF manuals can now be viewed directly from the main menu.
  • Transverse ray aberrations (Fan) are now referred to coordinates at the stop surface instead to entrance pupil coordinates.
Version 4.65
(25.April 2002)
  • A single surface type qualifier "P" is now used for both cylindrical light pipes and tapered light pipes. The two cases are distinguished by the semi-apertures at entrance and exit surface.
  • The surface type qualifier "T" now specifies total internal reflecting (TIR) surfaces.
  • The program is no longer consuming almost all of the processor load when it is running idle.
  • The autofocus option has been extended and now allows adjustment of the field and wavelength parameter from other modules, e.g. when used as compensator in tolerancing.
  • In defining optimization constraints, operators like   =, >, <   no longer must be padded with blank characters. That is, constraints such as "efl=100" (typed without blanks) are now correctly interpreted.
  • The complete Arthur Cox lens design library has been added (Pro-version only).
Version 4.64
(05.April 2002)
Maintenance update:
  • Optical path length in inverse ray trace of GRIN media was slightly incorrect. This has been fixed.
  • Program did not start if the install directory was named "optalix". This is now corrected.
Version 4.63
(31.March 2002)
  • OpTiX changes its name to OpTaliX.
  • Lens files from Kidger Optics (Sigma-PC and Sigma 2000/2100) can now be imported.
  • Russian testplate list has been added.
  • Wavefront is now correctly calculated in reverse ray trace of GRIN lenses.
  • Minor update problems in surface editor corrected.
  • Double click on files containing blanks in Windows Explorer now loads the optical system correctly. This was not properly recognized in previous versions.
  • QP optimization of zoom systems is now correctly initialized. Single focus systems, however, were not affected.
  • Paraxial calculations of two-point holograms were added.
  • Number of sampling points in thin film plots can now be adjusted. This allows a finer resolution of the plots, which is particularly helpful at steep transitions of narrow-band filters and edge filters.
  • Single rays can now be plotted in the Y/Z lens layout. This can be done interactively with slider control for immediate visualization.
Version 4.61
(03.Feb. 2002)
  • A new optimization algorithm, based on quadratic programming, has been added.
  • Comments are now allowed in merit function definition.
  • Some minor adjustments to optimization and GUI.
  • Surface editor is now correctly updated for environmental changes.
  • A new command PRD (Pupil relay distance) has been added.
Version 4.57
(03.Jan. 2002)
  • A GUI is now available for editing tolerances.
  • Automatic selection of glasses for apochromatic correction.
  • Gaussian beam analysis is now possible for multiple wavelength and multiple zoom positions.
  • Calculation of optimal coating indices for gradient index lenses.
  • Angle of incidence (AOI) is now printed along with other ray data.
  • Directory is now remembered on opening or storing lens files.
  • ACCOS import is available in an experimental version.
Version 4.55
(03.Dec. 2001)
Maintenance update:
  • Handling of aberration weights in optimization improved.
  • Toroidal curvature (CUX) was not correctly updated in the surface editor.
Version 4.54
(20.Nov. 2001)
Maintenance update.
  • Dialog box for creating melt glasses has been extended. Sellmeier coefficients can now be entered directly.
  • Aspheric surfaces in non-sequential surface range were not correctly traced. This is corrected now.
Version 4.53
(15.Nov. 2001)
  • Array surfaces and elements have been added.
  • All Gaussian beam parameters are now accessible in user defined graphics (UGR) and optimization.
  • Minor GUI corrections
Version 4.51
(6.Nov. 2001)
  • Calculation of weight, volume and center of gravity has been added.
  • Improvements on environmental analysis (temperature, pressure).
  • Glass catalogues have been updated and extended.
  • Import of WinLens files is now supported.
  • Gradium profile is now updated at environmental (temperature) change.
  • Melt glasses are now conveniently created from a dialog box.
Version 4.45
(30.Sept. 2001)
  • Graphics now retain their correct proportions after windows resize or zooming into a window.
  • A spreadsheet editor for zoom/multiconfiguration data has been added. It eases data entry and replaces the previous text-based editor for zoom data.
  • Windows Help (compiled HTML) has been reworked and inconsistencies were removed. A keyword search is also offered.
  • Progress bars were added to computing intensive analyses, for example PSF over field or Strehl-ratio vs. wavelength. Some users erroneously reported, that the program "hangs" while it was still computing.
Version 4.40
(02.Sept. 2001)
  • Parameters for holographic surfaces have been made available to the surface spreadsheet editor (GUI).
  • Documentation of holographic surfaces has been updated.
  • The examples library has been extended with optical systems having diffractive surfaces.
  • Inversion of surfaces with spline deformations works now correctly.
  • The internal structure holding zoom/multiposition arguments has been optimized, thereby significantly reducing memory requirements.
  • Fiber position in coupling efficiency analysis is now selectable to either follow the principal ray or be explicitly specified.
Version 4.34
(29.July 2001)
Slider bars have been added to the perspective view. They allow change of the viewing perspective in almost "real time" (depending on computer speed and model complexity).
Version 4.33
(22.July 2001)
Maintenance update. The tilt order of combined tilts on surfaces is now handled in the correct sequence. Also the lens layout plot in zoom/multiconfiguration systems is now possible for individual positions, using the PPOS command.
Version 4.32
(18.July 2001)
This is a maintenance update. Some users reported problems with POV when OpTiX is installed to directories containing blank characters.
Version 4.30
(04.July 2001)
  • Special apertures can now be edited in the spreadheet editor similar to other surface data.
  • A dialog box for editing of program preferences has been added. It allows setting of search paths and whether window positions of the current session shall be saved. Using this option also simplifies linkage of OpTiX to the POV renderer.
  • Graphics export to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) has been added. The SVG standard is relatively new. As such, it enjoys only limited support outside the Adobe viewer. However, it has the potential to become an important standard web graphics format. To view SVG graphics, the Adobe SVG plug-in is required, which is available for MS Internet explorer and Netscape (version 3 or higher is required for both).
    Download the SVG viewer.

  • User defined graphics has been added as a new feature. This allows to plot any performance measure (e.g. spot size, MTF, etc.) as a function of any variable (e.g. thickness, decenter, aperture, etc).
  • The X-curvature of toroidal surfaces is now correctly imported and exported from/to Code V, Zemax and Oslo.
Version 4.20
(May 2001)
  • The examples library has been greatly expanded.
  • The GUI, especially the surface spreadsheet editor, is now correctly updated for all commands being entered at the command line.
  • Rays are now correctly transferred to POV-RAY.
  • A preferences dialog box has been added to allow modification of the search paths and to interface OpTiX with POV-RAY in an easier way. Available from the main menu under FILE --> PREFERENCES.
  • Autofocus now allows specification of a variable separation in addition to the back focus distance.
  • Coupling efficiency calculation is now final. (only Pro-version)
  • A fiber catalogue has been added. (only Pro-version)
  • A bug in the zoom position editor has ben corrected (negative values conflicted with equation parser).
  • Coatings now may have up to 200 layers.
  • The reference manual has been updated.
Version 4.00
(December 2000)
A completely new Windows interface (GUI) has been written to make user interaction easier and more flexible. Previous versions (2.xx to 3.xx) are no longer supported.